We have recovered Brownkit! **Cats Cheer** Also, Pumapaw, it is time for your warrior ceremony. Do you wish to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life? "I do," he says surprised. Your warrior name shall be Pumaclaw.
Pumaclaw! Pumaclaw!
Also, my kits and Foxkit are becoming apprentices. Foxpaw, Pumaclaw will teach you amazing things. Snowstorm, you are ready for your first apprentice, Fuzzypaw. Darkpaw, Robinflight is an exellent warrior and will teach you alot. Whitepaw, Sunstripe is storng and wise.
Foxpaw! Darkpaw! Whitepaw! Fuzzypaw!
Many new members! Sunfeather as a warrior, Lionpoppy, and her sister, Snowpaw, as her apprentice.
Sunfeather! Lionpoppy! Snowpaw!
That is all.
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3 years ago
*he looked up with pride gleaming in his eyes* I hope I will serve my clan well, and teach this one all I know. *he vowed* *I hope he can understand me....* *he thought*
Pumaclaw! Pumaclaw!
Wait! But what about my kits? Brownkit needs to stay in the nursery but the rest need to be apprenticed!
Well, your kits are younger. (I will have them apprenticed!)