Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Warrior

I-I am here to make F-Flickerpaw a warrior. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, protect, and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?

I do.

Then from not on, you shall be known as Flickershadow. Show us your hunting skills and courage.

Flickershadow! Flickershadow! Flickershadow!

Also, Thunderspirit, Foxfang, and Whiteclaw go on the n-next h-hunting patrol. May StarClan protect you from the cold!



  1. Her eyes narrowed but she chanted her name quietly.

  2. Notices Poppyfrost's apparent dislike, and asks, "What's wrong, Poppyfrost?"


  3. "Too,long of a story to tell" she snapped and backed away into the nursery

  4. steps back, a little taken aback and looking a little hurt, but shrugs it off and shares a piece of fresh-kill with Sunwing.

    "I'll be glad when newleaf comes." he said to her, prodding the skinny squirrel with a paw.
