Sunday, March 7, 2010

Apprentices and a New Warrior and Queen

Skykit, Tigerkit, and Stormkit are ready to become apprentices. Graywhisker, you shall mentor Tigerpaw and Brownstripe, Skypaw will be your apprentice. Willowfeather, if you wish, Stormpaw will be your second apprentice.

Skypaw! Tigerpaw! Stormpaw!

Silverpaw, you have trained hard and Swiftshadow has trained you well. So, from now on, you shall be known as Silverblaze.

Silverblaze! Silverblaze!

And now, Stonedapple is joining as an exspectant queen.

Stonedapple! Stonedapple!



  1. "Oh course! C'mon Stormpaw! LEts go learn how to pick catmint!" she lead him away blabbering about catmint and other plants.

  2. "Ok!" she squealed and followed with excited nodds.

