Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Glimpse at the Beast

Mallowpaw walked into the forest with Tigerpaw following.

"Hey, Mallowpaw!" he called. "Wait up, I want to show you something."

"W-wh-wha-what?" she stuttered turning around with wide eyes.

"As long as your not scared, I'll tell you," he taunted.

She gave him a look. "Whatever. What do you want?"

"Well, your gonna have to follow me," he said and walked into a dark part of the forest where no one ever goes.

"Umm. . . . No thank you," she said and made a move to leave, but Tigerpaw blocked her way. She let out a groan and turned back around.

Tigerpaw rounded a few corners and came to an area with old leaves, a small stream, and a big cave that looks like it could swallow you whole.

"Can I leave now?" she asked half annoyed, half frightened.

He groaned. "No! Just follow me, but be real quiet and walked around until he came to a ledge and climbed all the way to the top of the cave.

What am I doing!? I'm going onto a cave with who knows what. Foxes, badgers, adders. . . . . smart, she thought.

He peered through a hole on the roof and whispered, "Look at this."

She took a glance and almost shrieked at the huge brown figure at the bottom of the cave.

Suddenly, the beast stood on it's hind legs and let out a thunderous roar that seemed to shake the ground.

(BTW, the beast is a bear and don't comment as your cats being there. They can hear the roar though if they want.)


1 comment:

  1. She flicked an ear. What was that? She looked around questionably. She shrugged maybe she hadn't heard right...
