Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Fox

Silverstar padded outside her territory. I must find thoses foxes. Maybe I can spy on them, then the strongest cats will come and we can attack. **Stumbles into Hole** Smells milk and fox. Oh, no! I must have fell into a fox den. Then Silverstar sees a ginger fox. Holds breath, but then notices it was just a kit. She sees many deep gashes all over his body. Grabbs the kit's scruff and runs all the way back to camp. Oh, what have I done! But Silverstar took pity on him, it looked like the foxes didn't need him, just a fox-kit that could die any moment. **Sighs as she walks into Camp**


Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

I went to spy on the foxes camp, and I-I stole a kit. He was bleeding to death, and he was so young, I-I........ want to join him into the clan............if he lives. His name shall be Foxkit. I know what I did was wrong, bu-but he would hve died anyway. All that disaprove of him joining, meet me in my den. Also, letme know if you want Robin to join.

That is all.
