Monday, September 7, 2009

New Members

Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here for a clan meeting!

We have three new members today. Sparrowflight and his mate Thunderstorm.

Sparrowflight! Thunderstorm! Sparrowflight! Thunderstorm!

We also have a kit, Pumakit, who is now six moons old. Pumakit, from this moment on you will be known as Pumapaw. Beewing, you are young and new, but I trust you to pass down all your knowledge to him.

**They touch Noses**

Pumapaw! Pumapaw! Pumapaw! Pumapaw!

That is all.


1 comment:

  1. New Blog

    I have created a new blog! It is a little like WolfShadows. Well more then a little! But I mihgt like this blog MORE! It is called "Breathing With a Thoroughbred". I will be posting more about Aladdina and other stuff!

    Go to-
